Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Dr. Amanda Cheong spent her formative medical years within the walls of the Philippine General Hospital, a high-volume tertiary institution built to serve the underserved. It first affects the part of the brain responsible for learning; its why the earliest symptoms include difficulty recalling things and learning new information. The good news is that these cognitive symptoms are largely reversible with the proper thyroid hormone treatment. ALL OF THE INFORMATION IS VERY INFORMATIVE FOR ME AS A SENIOR, THAT I DID NOT KNOW. If left untreated, this deficiency can cause severe neurological problems and blood diseases, according to Harvard Health. A sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, can negatively affect a seniors attention and working memory. People who possess the MTHFR gene variant (present in 50-70% of population), or who have Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), celiac disease, or problems with their gut microbiome may also be susceptible to B vitamin deficiencies, especially B12 and B9 (folate). They can become systemic and wreak havoc on a persons mental clarity, potentially causing agitation, sudden confusion, or withdrawal. They can manifest as memory loss, general sluggishness, a flitting attention span, and depressed or apathetic mood. Early diagnosis and treatment for these conditions may help alleviate and potentially even reverse your loved ones cognitive symptoms. Anticonvulsants [2], Technically, dementia is characterized by something that is chronic or takes a long time to develop. 7 Reversible Health Conditions That Can Mimic Dementia A thorough clinical evaluation is necessary to determine whether someone has dementia or not. poor nutrition. Major depressive disorder the chronic feeling of intense sadness is the most common potentially reversible dementia-like condition. Dementia in your family. Reversible Conditions That Mimic Dementia | A Place for Mom Just because your TSH test comes back normal, dont assume your thyroid is fine without additional tests! Per the Alzheimers Association, most Alzheimers patients are at least 65 years old. In the literature, the most frequently observed potentially reversible conditions identified in patients with cognitive impairment or dementia are depression, adverse effects of drugs, drug or alcohol abuse, space-occupying lesions, normal pressure hydrocephalus, and metabolic conditions land endocrinal conditions like . If caught early enough, B vitamin deficiencies can be reversible, and the proper B vitamin supplements can even slow down the onset of Alzheimers or other forms of dementia. AND IS VERY INTERESTING, AND I M SO HAPPY I READ IT, AND CAN USE THE INFORMATION. Whatare the cognitive symptoms of depression? Links to third-party websites are only for the convenience of the reader; A Place for Mom does not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites. Antibiotics are given to clear up the infection and should be given as soon as possible. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Your email address will not be published. This Common Condition Can Easily Be Mistaken for Dementia - MSN Causes a deficiency in vitamin B1, which plays a critical role in brain function. Delirium is common, particularly among older people in hospital. They can be treated as long as the underlying cause is appropriately identified. However, this will continue to be a problem unless the underlying liver damage is corrected.[9]. Mills, B. Samuels MH. Benztropine, Tolterodine, Dicyclomine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elderly people in poor health and those taking several different medications are especially vulnerable. Memory improvement with treatment of hypothyroidism. They can also sometimes trigger other symptoms like headaches, seizures, or vomiting. Seasonal pollen allergies can cause sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and a foggy-feeling head, which leads to an inability to concentrate, focus and stay alert. They will happily offer advice and provide options based on your loved ones individual needs and preferences. By utilizing MRI and PET scan imaging technology, the researchers were able to show how people taking anti-cholinergic drugs experienced lower brain metabolism and higher brain atrophy. Aspiration pneumonia may also happen when food enters the wrong track, as may happen with older adults who have less control of their laryngeal muscles. Among older people, depression can cause memory impairment and disorientation. Celiac disease or IBD. The majority (73.3%) were diagnosed with the kind of infection that was already considered sepsis. Candida albicans is a common species of a type of fungus that grows naturally in the human gut, mouth, and vagina. What Conditions Can Be Mistaken For Dementia? What is a reversible condition that could be mistaken for dementia? Pharmaceutical medications include Nystatin which is more gentle to the system, or fluconazole (Diflucan). But, depression is also the most treatable of all mental illnesses. Thousands of Canadians who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and dementia may actually have a rare "impostor" syndrome that can be reversed with surgery, and a new clinic in . Other natural treatments include taking probiotics such as Saccromyces Boulardi, and anti-fungals such as oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract or nystatin. When allergy season strikes, there are healthy alternatives to allergy medications. Keep in mind, symptoms of candida may feel worse as the treatment causes a die-off reaction. Symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus can include the following[14]: Treatment: The treatment of normal pressure hydrocephalus involves surgical placement of a hollow tube in the brain to drain excess cerebrospinal fluid into the abdomen where it can be absorbed as a part of the normal circulatory process. While current data cannot say which causes what, what we have points to a relationship between the two. Cardiovascular Drugs There are also cases of dementia that originate from such infections. It may come as a surprise that there's a type of dementia that may be reversible. After all, dementia has no cure. Dementia can have a major impact physically, psychologically, socially, and economically, not only on those with dementia, but also on families, loved ones and caregivers. TBIs may cause dementia-like symptoms that can include the following[10]: Treatment: Specialized hospital care and inpatient rehabilitation can typically reverse dementia induced by TBI. It hits you like a speeding truck hanging on worn brakes. Irreversible dementia syndrome. What Conditions Can Be Mistaken For Dementia In other similar cases, the celiac symptoms and mental decline occurred simultaneously. Known as normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), it has similar symptoms of dementia. In addition to memory loss and a decline in mental processes (similar to Alzheimer's), NPH typically can causes difficulty walking (like Parkinson's) and urinary incontinence. There are several physical illnesses, like infections and vitamin deficiencies, that can mimic the symptoms of dementia. [6] However, it is also important to note that thyroid dysfunctions are associated with a very specific kind of dementia-- Alzheimers dementia. What other conditions can be mistaken for dementia? Clinical Interventions in Aging. That means that only about 15 percent of people with gluten issues are actually diagnosed. If someone is clinically depressed, they will exhibit low mood, loss of interest and concentration, and disturbed sleep. Two common examples are dementia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). She enjoys writing fiction on the side when shes not tending to her plants and three pet turtles. Alcohol-Induced Dementia: Decay Symptoms, Stages and Treatment The cognitive impact of anticholinergics: A clinical review. Reversible Conditions That Could Be Mistaken For Dementia (2022) Home care offers support and respite for families caring for a loved one with dementia at home. Yeast overgrowth in the gut can result from a diet high in carbohydrates, sugars, processed foods and gluten. In addition, many people do not metabolize B vitamins well enough to have them do what is necessary to preserve health. What Is The Difference Between Dementia And Alzheimers? Emmady PD, Tadi P. Dementia. Of course, just because you have these symptoms doesnt mean its dementia. Infection C. Medication Interactions D. Thyroid problems E. All of the above. Recently, several population-based studies demonstrated an association between hypo- or hyperthyroidism and Alzheimer's disease. What Is A Reversible Condition Which Could Be Mistaken For Dementia To alleviate and even reverse symptoms, make sure your loved one receives professional vision and hearing tests. difficulty following a conversation Reversible causes of dementia - identifying seven possibilities Delirium is also sometimes known as potentially reversible dementia-- which isnt dementia but try saying reversible conditions that mimic dementia a couple of times. What is a reversible condition that can be mistaken for dementia? Do Memory Problems Always Mean Alzheimer's Disease? The connection between celiac disease and mental deterioration is not fully known but it could be a combination of several factors. Psychiatric Disorders. 4 medical issues that could be mistaken for Alzheimer's disease Hypothyroidism means the thyroid gland is not producing enough active thyroid hormones, either T3 or T4. The alcoholic dementia symptoms are varied, and this health condition can be influenced by two important factors such as Wernicke's encephalopathy and the Korsakoff syndrome. When the bodys immune function is low, candida (see below) and other opportunistic organisms will grow out of hand. The symptoms include psychosis, disorientation, memory loss, and confusion. Other symptoms include: Restlessness [8], Not to be confused with hepatic encephalopathy, which is impaired brain function due to an alcohol-damaged liver--- too damaged to process the ammonia that a normal persons body can go through. Anticholinergics. While we have mentioned the most common conditions that can mimic dementia, there are still others out there. Dementia is one of the most commons forms of disability and dependency among elderly people. Delirium - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | Alzheimer's Society What is a reversible condition which could be mistaken for dementia Kazui, H. (2008, March). Indeed, several things can look like dementia. Medical Conditions that Can Mimic Dementia | BrightFocus Foundation Not to be confused with hepatic encephalopathy, which is impaired brain function due to an alcohol-damaged liver--- too damaged to process the ammonia that a normal persons body can go through. National Institute of Health. Issac, T. G., Soundarya, S., Christopher, R., & Chandra, S. R. (2015, March). The classic symptoms of gluten sensitivity show up as bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, cramping and nutrient deficiencies. The candida in the gut actually lives off of sugar and starches, fermenting it to produce energy. More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia, with a small percentage of dementias that are reversible. You might find them in the middle of a task, having forgotten what they were doing just then. The condition has been linked to subtle decline in memory and executive function. Delirium is a mental state that causes confusion and disorientation, and it is typically caused by acute illness or drug intoxication. What condition could be mistaken for dementia? While we have mentioned the most common conditions that can mimic dementia, there are still others out there. But often as we get older, forgetfulness tends to cause more than just temporary anxiety. And i found out i have Hashimoto disease. The earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the better. Thyroid dysfunction has been implicated as a cause of reversible cognitive impairment and as such, the thyroid stimulating hormone has long been part of the screening laboratory test for dementia. They may get lost in places that used to be very familiar to them. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dementia is the loss of cognitive function and affects daily life and activities by interfering with ones ability to think, remember, and reason. One theory is that the immune response to celiac disease attacks the brain. Delirium vs. dementia: Symptoms and more - Medical News Today Treatment with thyroid supplementation (especially medication that includes both T3 and T4) can help reverse this health condition. If you think your loved one is experiencing dementia symptoms due to one of the conditions above, talk to their doctor. Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause various symptoms to appear over time. Most Common Reversible Dementia Causes. Food allergies difficulty speaking and communicating By: Cat Ebeling, RN, MSN-PHN,co-author of the best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen,The Top 101 Foods , I am sorry that you did not mention Fibromyalgia myalgia in you list of possible causes of dementia It is well known that fibromyalgia causes a condition known as fibrofogwhere you cant remember names or cant think of a subject that is under under discussion ,etc. 7 . And, if you look at these results across the general public, that means that air pollution, including high ozone levels, can be responsible for about 21% of dementia cases. What is a reversible condition that could be mistaken for dementia? Learn how your comment data is processed. Alzheimers Association. immune system may not be as strong as it used to be, Here are a few of the ways acetaldehyde impairs cognitive function and causes brain fog: Reduces the amount of oxygen carried by red blood cells to your brain. Doubly challenging is that older individuals are more likely to catch these infections. Worth noting is that depression can be one of the signs of dementia. They may get lost in places that used to be very familiar to them. Sleep problems can cause dementia-like symptoms such as trouble focusing, mental fatigue, confusion, and irritability. B vitamins are water soluble and are easily washed out of the system and can also be taken at higher levels without toxicity. Among the different infections, 55% had pneumonia and 27% had urinary tract infections. conditions that cause dementia-like symptoms, Depression and dementia are both common in later years, medications may cause symptoms that mimic dementia,,,,,, Mild Cognitive Impairment: 10 Things to Know, Dementia Behavior Can Seem Like Manipulation. Because the brain and organs are so dependent upon each other, its not surprising that many different physical disorders can cause cognitive problems. [2], Delirium is also sometimes known as potentially reversible dementia-- which isnt dementia but try saying reversible conditions that mimic dementia a couple of times. [3], Earlier, we mentioned that doctors might take a patients thyroid hormone levels when evaluating dementia. The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute medical, legal, or financial advice or to create a professional relationship between AgingCare and the reader. In: StatPearls [Internet]. even if the test for celiac disease is negative. (2022, May 4). Currently, she is involved in medical research as well as volunteer telemedicine consults. Drug-induced dementia. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia and is more prevalent among older people. Reversible causes of memory loss It's important to remember that memory loss doesn't automatically mean that you have dementia. This Common Condition Can Easily Be Mistaken for Dementia - Yahoo Also have frequent blood tests and semi annual saliva tests to keep the endocrine system in balance. Dementia is a syndrome usually of a chronic or progressive nature in which there is deterioration the ability to process thought, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. I was not expecting that there would be so many celiac disease patients with cognitive decline, he said. Take your loved one to the doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms. Other causes include normal pressure hydrocephalus, neoplasms, metabolic disorders, trauma, medications and infections. In many cases if doctors can find what caused the delirium and treat the cause, then the dysfunction may be reversed. Its important to note that an actual dementia diagnosis cannot be reversed, even when it coincides with a reversible condition with dementia-like symptoms. Severe depression when untreated can cause " pseudodementia ". Whereas delirium is considered an acute confusional state that comes and goes, often starting just a few days or weeks ago. Learn . It happens when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra. BrightFocus Foundation. In order to reverse these dementia-like symptoms, its important to train your body to have natural, healthy sleep patterns. apathy I can help you compare costs & services for FREE! The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. The search for treatable conditions may be stopped too early. 56(5), 240. A TBI is diagnosed by health care professionals through an evaluation of how the injury happened and an examination of brain functions, reflexes, and senses. Normal pressure hydrocephalus. Some of these medications include statins, which are used to treat high cholesterol; acetylcholine blockers, which are often used to treat medical conditions like insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome; benzodiazepines, used to treat anxiety or insomnia; pain medications, such as opioids; corticosteroids, such as prednisone; and chemotherapy, which is used to treat cancer.