In some parts of China, it is believed that white cats would walk over the rooftops at night and steal Moonbeams; hence, they have Moon-bright white fur. Moon conjunct Moon, but also Moon trine Moon and Moon sextile Moon can be indicators of soulmates in astrology. I think sometimes when we enter into relationships, and if we didn't have a great childhood we can re-create the childhood scene again by unconsciously choosing a partner who will bring up all those same childhood issues/feelings and emotions, that is why we are so drawn to them in the first place. House person senses that there is something that the Moon partner wants, making them feel a little anxious and in a reaction will act out. Concentrate on your own pain, it might look like your ex is cold and doesn't care, but if he finds it hard to show his emotions he is not going to cry in front of you, he will probably cry in private but needs to put on a brave face. Our mothers are our first human connection from the womb onward, their sadness, malice, and frustration can be so engrained within us, addressing and healing these complexes may take an entire lifetime. However, first the astrologer needs to know is who were the individuals involved; hence, natal astrology. Posts: 36From: CaliforniaRegistered: Jun 2009. In synastry, Saturn is associated with problems and all kinds of restrictions and inhibitions. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Planets from one chart create specific contacts with those from the other. Although it does not explain the astrological nature of the Moon, but tends to explain something of felines magic, it is too lovely not to be mentioned. . Our viewpoint from Earth is what makes the planets look like they are touching, it is also what makes this event so rare. Please use another device/browser or check out the desktop version of the Interactive Night Sky Map. However, the hard aspectsthe square, opposition, quincunxindicate friction and misunderstandings in the relationship. Visibility improves as the sunlight fades. Air Moons might verbally argue until they are blue in the face. A rare astronomical event is happening in the evening sky. Saturn teaches us the dark side of life; it guides us through life using uneasy, uncomfortable and the most unwelcoming methods. click here to check out my blog for more astrology . You will feel emotionally responsive to the ideas of marriage, domestic responsibility, possessive of your mate and your emotional relationship. The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. Venus is the planet of romance, beauty, what we love, and how we go about loving. However, your urge towards routine . Both Venus and the Moon are very powerful planets that symbolize many aspects of our romantic and social life, as well as how we express our female energy (which both men and women have). Moon conjunct Saturn can give downturned or sleepy eyes. Aspects define the energetic exchange between planets. Neptune/uranus rising, Pluto dom, Gay. Once the astrologer gets to know both individuals, these could be put in a relation. Mars can be seen for more than 7 hours after sunset and during the late evening/early night. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; Each chart presents with its special and unique distribution of planets, as well as with other specific elements. So its useless trying to be in or keep a relationship with saturn squares, eh? . Saturn needs commitment to the fullest, but would imagine it as a contract, which is completely out of the Moon's intuitive and emotional domain. . Moon-Saturn is never a death sentence of a relationship, but these can be challenging. It can be commitment from the start. The two planets will be just above the horizon, and will set a few hours after the Sun. This notorious planet is one of the social planets, along with Jupiter and it is also called the planet of suffering. The Moravian Star on blue starry sky at night. This relationship can have a positive direction, which marked by prudence and wisdom. . I grew up in that kind of situation- my parents did that- and it's hell. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); var cid = '5596380066'; For this to happen there would certainly have to be a good supply of mutually loving and caring interactions present also, because this interaction certainly doesn't fit that bill. Saturn essentially inhibits and waters down the Venus. Moon-Venus synastry is one of the most important aspects of a Synastry Chart. This close approach is called a conjunction . 'Sun/Moon' aspects are considered the best synastry aspects for love. I can see why you'd be attracted to him if in synastry, you have the same combination as in your natal. Venus is visible by day, but may be hard to find. Moon conjunct the Moon in synastry can be both amazingly wonderful and soothing, but also intensely emotional and hurtful, given the situation and what the rest of both parties charts are saying. Moon square Moon is pretty difficult as well (I have it with my mother and emotionally, we're total opposites). His Moon square my MoonHis Moon opp. The sense and the need of security, full commitment, consistency and dependability bind you two strongly. Saturn sextile/trine Venus often indicates that it will be a long-lasting relationship that could possibly improve over time. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. Venus is close to the Sun and can only be seen shortly after sunset. Saturn helps the Moon and gives the Moon what he/she needs most of the time. Note that such stereotypical readings are flexible, since an isolated aspect does not define the whole relationship.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',172,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); The conjunction is rightfully claimed to be the strongest aspect in astrological readings. InnovationRx: ChatGPT Wont Fix Healthcare; Plus, Covid-19 Origin, possible explanation for the biblical Star of Bethlehem. encounter on December 21st. This is an important interaction, but unfortunately not for the most cheerful of reasons. . Astrological aspects are, as mentioned above, specific contacts between planets. Many would rush to accuse Saturn for all the negativities that come to light in one relationship, but also in an individual life. Earth Moons will comfort the other, make them a meal or easily take on a task or two to help lessen the burden of whats weighing the other down. } The problem that arises with such an aspect is that there could be too much censorship, emotional censorship. The square is going to indicate the most tension and frustration and likely the Moon person is not going to feel "loved". ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Earths orbit around the Sun takes a year, but for Jupiter and Saturn it takes much longer. Saturn is just 13 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. this whole aspect reminds me of the lyrics to dark beach. The map also shows the phases of the Moon, and all solar and lunar eclipses. Venus will appear very close to Jupiter on the evenings in early March. Synastry, like other type of readings, is based upon natal astrology. Topic: moon conjunct saturn in synastry & also hav a moon-conj-saturn in natal chart: leovirgocusp unregistered : posted February 19, 2007 02:47 PM Hi, I just broke up with my boyfriend who I'd been together for almost 4 years. Mercury is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. The Moon is important in synastry since people are generally emotional beings. The first known horoscope originates from the ancient Babylon, while the roots of Western astrology are associated with old Persia. So start watching now, tonight you wont want to miss every opportunity you can get to witness this amazing sight, Seronik adds. I think the two are linked in that they are bringing up your old familiar/family patterns from childhood. Such a close contact presents with an intense energetic output of both planets. Other times when the Saturn person is being distant and standoffish. In astrology, both the Sun and the Moon are called planets, just as all celestial bodies involved with an astrological reading. Whether the stars really decide our destiny, no one could tell for sure. it was my longest partnership to date. Venus Conjunct Ascendant or Venus in the 1st: For romantic synastry, this is love at first sight. Witnessing this special event couldnt be easier, says Gary Seronik, a consulting editor atSky & Telescope magazine. Astrology tells us what do stars have in store for us, since our destinies are, according to astrology, written in the stars. However, this will most likely manifest in a way that is not so frustrating. Especially with the opposition there are going to be times the the couple are feeling warm, generous and affectionate, and then boom! However, it really seems there is some truth in that. If you stop and think for a moment, you will recall the Moon sheds no light of its own; it reflects the light of the Sun. Its nature is perhaps closer to that of the heavier aspects than that of the flowing ones. They could, but there is some degree of fear from Saturns strict and seemingly insensitive attitude. But later it's so hard to keep it moving, we fight a lot almost every day. Since there are a lot of hard aspects, we work hard together to make this relationship work. It is a risk, because if the same attitude prevails, you might get emotionally very distant. . This means that two conjunct planets match places or that these neighboring planets are very, very close. The Moon will see Saturn as reliable, and Saturn will see the Moon as very loving. And so a downward spiral is only too likely if the two of you are not emotionally very objective. This illustration shows the view facing southwest at dusk on December 21st. There are short-term affairs with Moon conjunct Saturn. Saturn may also look down on the Venusian aspects of the Venus person - the way they dress, express love, their financial habits and circumstances, their taste in art, how they like to have fun and even their friends. Saturn is the planet of strict energy, rules, karma, time, past life themes, and can . The chart tells about your personality, traits, characteristics, temperament, tendencies, major events in your life, past and future, and, above all else, it reveals your capacities and potentials. Most of the authors agree that two benefic planets would create extremely positive energy and vice versa.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2-0'); If the planets were in different signs or of different nature, that is, one was a benefic and the other one was a malefic, things would become more complicated.