Three. They've been a part of LifeGate Church since it was planted in Villa Rica in 2004. Both are known for their genuine love for the Lord and teaching and equipping the saints. 1,175 people like this 1,235 people follow this 3,697 people checked in here (402) 330-5724 Creation . Search. David was more than a little disturbed by his wife embracing religion and to make matters worse she could tell him that she was going to Heaven and, because he had not been born again, he was going to Hell. In simpler terms, she makes sure that we are being good stewards of our people and finances. John 10:10, Sunday 10:00am & 11:30am Send Us. talents in ministry! A colorful rug and toys can be . He was then called to be the senior pastor at Lifegate. He graduated in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. We have been blessed over the past 25 years under the leadership of Pastor Andy and Sheryl Weil, and are looking forward to the new direction God has in store for Life Gate Church! Pastors Les Beauchamp and Micah Eldridge are of one heart, mind and spirit in this. Tune in as Pastor Brian brings a hopeful word from the Lord entitled, "Fight For My Future." 609.927.2075. . He has a passionate love for Jesus and a vision for people everywhere to discover the Life only available through a relationship with Christ. Around 2013 God began to reveal to Les that Micah may eventually be the one to receive the mantle of leadership for Lifegate. Want to get connected? Find out more about Lifegate Church's new Lead Pastor Micah Eldridge below in a timeline of his ministry life and photos from key moments in his life. Crystal loves the Denver Broncos, reading, serving our Email Pastor Amber: Les would also bring him along on several speaking engagements throughout this time. For more information on overseers, you can watch this video here! For more info on LG Youth contact Pastor Cassie at Follow us on Instagram @lg_yth Let us be there for you. Website:. Officially Passing the Mantle of Leadership to Pastor Micah Eldridge. Today we highlight Pastor Chad Benson of LifeGate Church in Burleson. selection =; Lifegate Church has an endless passion: to invite people everywhere to discover, live and give life in Jesus. LIFEGATE is a Denver based church that believes in Jesus and that the local church is the hope for the world. Junior Bible Quiz, Nursery care, Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC), Our mission is simple . After completing university, Micah and Shireen continued to impact students through the Wesley Foundation at the University of Georgia. Find out more about our team here at Lifegate! For four weeks the Pastor came and each night they disagreed on this point. Pastor Young retired in 2015, but Life Gate Church is going strong and continues reaching up to God and reaching out to it's community. She knew she was going to Heaven and now she had something to teach her children. circlefacebookcircletwitterbird circleinstagram circleyoutube circleemail. For more information about Pastor Brian or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor They have four childrenthree daughters and one son. Lifegate Youth meets every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 P.M. at Lifegate Church. Pastor Dexter Rivers. Restoration . He is the CEO of Life Gate Ministries and was ordained as a pastor in 1991. He loves his church, and even through growth over the years, Lifegate has maintained its close-knit family atmosphere and its passion for serving people. function handleChange(e) { They look forward to their friendship only increasing in the coming years. LifeGate Church | Staff Senior pastor We are currently searching for the next senior pastor here at Life Gate! Welcome to LIFEGATE Denver! We do this by focusing on an authentic relationship with Jesus and not religious performance.Pastor Les Beauchamp became Lifegates lead pastor in 1996. At Lifegate, people meet Jesus and their lives change for the better; they experience a wholeness of body, soul and spirit and find real purpose for living.No church is perfect, and we are no exception. events. He gave His all, so now we give freely and generously. She enjoys spending her spare time with family, working outside, and riding motorcycles. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Michael and Amy Adams are the Senior Pastors of LifeGate Church. Tham Fuan has served as the Senior Pastor of LifeGate Church since its inception in 2010 with the integration of ICC and Cornerstone Church of Christ. alert(`We love ${selection}${plural} too!`); Pastor Doug Eaker. Lifegate is a multi-campus church that exists to invite people everywhere to discover, live and give life in Jesus! They spoke to Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Hare Krishnas and even looked into Transcendental Meditation. Our locations. Lifegate Church in Nebraska Overcomes Church Split, Finds New Unity Newsletter. Arrive a few minutes early or stay after the service to grab a free cup . They are passionate about people enjoying the rich and satisfying life found only in Jesus Christ. Life Gate Church has amazing leadership and will continue our vision. Tony and Sheryll moved to Mirror Lake in August, 2003, with the dream of building a church focused on two things: the simple gospel message of grace, and the power of an intimate relationship with a loving God. Time passed and the OGormans started a business and bought a home. Taylor Foster, an associate youth pastor at the West Dodge campus of Lifegate megachurch in Omaha, Nebraska, fell four stories from his hotel balcony on the first day of his belated honeymoon in Mexico last week and survived. Join us This Sunday. 1 review of LifeGate Church "Church services are Sunday @ 9am &10am. Main Campus501 Permian WayVilla Rica, GA 30180, Contact Us(770) SA Radio Foster: A Lesson in Humility . Don Lamb, another pastor at LifeGate, said in a statement the church has not directed parishioners to engage in specific political activity, but that the church's members believe "the. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. Pastor Steve is Throughout our journey we have faced and overcome many challenges on our way to becoming the unified, life-filled fellowship we now are. for kids here at Life Gate. Over the years, Micah has faithfully taken on new roles at Lifegate from starting the Ibex Leadership program to pastoring at Lifegate Midtown to serving as an Executive Pastor and Elder. If you've ever struggled with shame, we encourage you to tune into Pastor Brian's latest series entitled, "Porn In My Pocket." To become one church in numerous locations.In December 2012, Lifegate Papillion became our second campus in the Omaha area. Pastor Brian graduated from World Harvest Bible College before moving to Omaha, Nebraska in 1999. They have a passion for the local church and believe it is the vehicle Jesus has chosen to make His name famous all over the world. Lifegate is a multi-site church with campuses at West Dodge and 156th streets, Papillion, mid-town Omaha and Serbia. If you've ever struggled with overcoming pornography, we encourage you to tune into Pastor Brian's latest series entitled, "Porn In My Pocket." When they met though they had one thing in commonneither of them knew God and they both knew that they needed to. Looking to get involved in a specific area of church life? God was still a far away mystery. In January 1981, the believers founded the Lifegate Bible Baptist Church under the pastorate of Robert W. Zemeski and elected Vincent Ryan as their first deacon. his wife, Crystal, lead our Ignited Kids services and have been working in Lifegate Church began in 1975 as Trinity Church Interdenominational when God used a group of 55 committed individuals under the leadership of Pastor Elmer Murdoch to begin a church where people could meet Jesus as Lord and Savior and take their first steps into the Spirit-filled life. This experience bonded them in the following years as the new name and vision for Lifegate emerged in Les heart. Stay up to date on the latest LIFEGATE new, events and connections. A church whose pastor is forthright in speach & whose sermons are filled with truth, life & love." February 3, 2023. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Time 7:00PM. Check out the latest sermon or any of our other messages, fill out a connection card, and if you're in Denver,. They are the founders and pastors of Lifegate Church international. Website Designed and Developed by Caleb Kraft at Their heart is for every LifeGate member to experience the life . Pastors - Lifegate Church Sundays 9am + 11am | First Wednesday 7pm Pastors Brian and Jillian Gallardo are the lead pastors and founders of Lifegate Church, located in Independence, Missouri. As directed by the Holy Spirit, Lifegate Church will reach Denton Texas and the surrounding areas for Jesus Christ. Sundays at 9AM & 11AM. When she phoned the Baptist church the Pastors wife amazed her by answering each question with an answer from the Bible. In 2006 after 10 years of ministry in Midland the Bensons moved their family to Burleson to start Lifegate Church. We are also a church with a history of global impact, sending teams for decades around the world and supporting numerous global workers in many nations.We also have two appointed overseers who provide great accountability and a spiritual covering for our church as a whole. 2,505 were here. [The pastor] didn't serve any jail time and his name has been removed from Iowa's sex offender registry after 10 years. David has been the pastor of Lifegate since 1992 with a growing congregation. They needed to be taught about God but how could she teach them about a God she did not know herself. rooted and grounded in Gods Word. LifeGate helps identify, train, and support these pastors to plant biblically sound self-supporting churches. 5 reviews of Lifegate Church "Am looking for a new church so i found this one and went today! He has also appeared on The Word Network and JuceTV. We would love to meet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor. For more information about Pastor Brian or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor The best is yet to come! LifeGate Church. Then, in 2019, Micah and Shireen joyfully decided together to accept the offer and begin the process of succession. Welcome to the LIFEGATE Church podcast! We use cookies to ensure that we provide you the best experience on our website. We know we are living in uncertain times. David and Valerie OGorman were both raised in Dublin but in entirely different backgrounds. LIFEGATE Church 2023 | Privacy Policy | Website Design by Missional Marketing. As of 9 a.m. Wednesday, police had set up a mobile command post at Lifegate Church at the intersection of Westport Road and Blue Ridge Boulevard, about three quarters of a mile away from the scene of the shooting. Coming to LifeGate Church you can expect to be welcomed into a friendly, positive environment by people who are genuinely excited to see you. Tune in as Pastor Brian brings a revelatory word on fasting for the believer. Check out our events here! More Than a Revival. We will minister to the needs of the believers as well as to those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and we will partner with the Holy Spirit to build The Kingdom of God. Location: 1345 Yates Dr. Hurst, TX 76053 Email: Phone: 1 (817) 284-5966 Success! We cannot wait to meet you! We're taking four weekends to complete the succession process as a church: March 5 & 12 - The Mantle and the River. For more information about Pastor Brian Gallardo or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor They have 2 daughters Brylea and Addie and son, Easton. The eighth commandment says Thou shalt not bear false witness. Lying was one of the sins that Christ had died for. Pastor OGorman and his wife, Valarie, have been married for 35 years. Chad and Amber have been married since 1998. Pastor O'Gorman's heartbeat is that of a pastor. His hope is that each person would have a compelling opportunity to experience a life-giving, Spirit-welcoming and presence-drawn encounter with God and His family. Pastor Brian has been a guest on TBN with the following great men of God: Pastor Rod Parsley, Pastor Jonathan Miller, Pastor Tony Suarez, Pastor Matt Austin, Dr. Lee Strobel, and many others. Music and singing are powerful gifts from God. Les and Micahs paths intersected early on at a youth camp in Marietta, Georgia where Micah was a student and Les was often the guest speaker. Law enforcement officers were stationed for much of Wednesday's standoff outside of Lifegate Church on the corner of Westport Road and Blue Ridge Boulevard, near the scene. Pastor Michael F. Payne, Sr. or "Pastor Mike" as he is affectionately called, is the Senior Pastor of LifeGate Church of Florida. In 2016, our 41st year as a church, God has given us a vision to see 40 campuses in the next 40 years, with eight in the immediate Omaha metro.Although we are a large church, the number that matters most to us is the number one: one life at a time. We are a church on the same team with other life-giving churches in our region and work diligently to cultivate deep friendships with their leaders and people and then work together to see our region transformed by the Kingdom of God uniquely expressed through the Big C church of the Omaha metro. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." For more information, please visit For more information about Pastor Brian or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor } For more information about Lifegate Church visit Richard J. Lifegate Church | a podcast by Pastor Brian Gallardo Lifegate Church 33.3K Downloads 173 Episodes Share RSS Tune in for the weekly podcast of Lifegate Church led by Pastor Brian Gallardo. There, he served as a pastoral assistant under Pastor James K. Hart at Eagles Nest Worship Center for ten years. Today, LIFEGATE is more than a church; it is a move of God. As a young couple they searched for God talking to all the cults but found no one that could point them to Christ. I went to the 11.50am service but missed the worship and praise music but was just in time for the message. PASTORAL TEAM JOSHUA JORDAN - Lead Pastor | After graduating from the Sovereign Grace Pastors College in 2009, Josh began serving at Lifegate as a pastoral intern until 2011 when he was ordained as an elder. Andy Bell, a spokesman for the . commitment to excellence can be seen in the various ministries and activities We believe God blesses each of us to be a blessing to the world around us. They have three adult children who married wonderful people and seven beautiful grandchildren. Wow the building is so modern and really beautiful on the outside! Our assignment? Lifegate Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church serving the community of Wildwood, Missouri. Jaime is a third generation Pastor while Laura grew up under her Grandfather's ministry, Rev. Both have served local churches in full-time ministry since 1989. Their Shireen has been on staff for the last five years as Lifegates Womens Pastor and also oversees Adult Discipleship, fulfilling a dream of Micah and Shireen's to partner together in ministry. // This function changes the button text and link. Our Lord is passionate about building His church so that the gospel reaches all peoples. Starting with 25 people, the church has grown to over 1600 people. The world of the generous gets larger and larger - Proverbs 11:24. Front Row-Donna (Vocals), Jack (Bass Guitar), Charlene (Keyboard and Organ) Their heart is for every LifeGate member to experience the life Jesus has for them. Pastor OGormans heartbeat is that of a pastor. Were taking four weekends to complete the succession process as a church:, A biblical perspective on healthy transition that gives us hope., AM - Celebratory services at all campuses with special guests. They have a passion for the local church and believe it is the vehicle Jesus has chosen to make His name famous all over the world. Tune in as Pastor Brian brings a powerful word entitled, "Take Another Dip." For more information about Pastor Brian Gallardo or Lifegate Church visit or let button = document.getElementById("select-button"); Led by Pastor Amy Adams and the dynamic female leadership of LifeGate Church, Vibrant exists to gather, equip and mobilize women to be all that God has called them to be in their home, their workplace, the church and beyond! A standoff continues after three Kansas City police officers were shot and injured Tuesday night while executing a search warrant on the east side of the Friendly & family like atmosphere. For more information on overseers, you can watch this video here!We at Lifegate are convinced our most impacting days are ahead of us and hope as you read our history you would prayerfully consider joining us on this journey!. For more information about Pastor Brian Gallardo or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor For more information about Pastor Brian or Lifegate Church visit www.briangallardo.comor Sammy Hughes, a Church of God evangelist and Pastor. He has a passionate love for Jesus and a vision for people everywhere to discover the Life only available through a relationship with Christ. Tune in as Pastor Brian gives us the vision over Lifegate Church for the year of 2023. button.onclick = handleClick; let selection = "something"; Our Mission is to help People find their Purpose through the Love of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit! Lifegate Churchis cutting-edge and ready to equip you to takeyour next step with God. All Rights Reserved. . window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-ZDYPV7WEC1'); (function () { With a heart for children and families, LIFEGATE STUDENTS Click to see what we have for our Middle and High School Students! 749 Pinnacle Dr Papillion, NE 68046 Come join us for Sunday services at 9:15am and 11:00am at our Lifegate Papillion campus. be preaching on "God Works His Good" . Prior to Pastoring at LifeGate, Jaime traveled the country preaching God's word with passion. Lifegate Church has an endless. Levi Deatrick | Lifegate Baptist Church. LIFEGATE Church | Church in Denver CO Welcome to Lifegate We exist to see people made alive in Christ New Here? Lifegate Church International 74 subscribers Every Sunday Lifegate Church hosts a Sunday morning worship and message service at: 10.a.m 1550 Norwood dr. #300 Hurst, TX 76054. . Please check our privacy policy for more information. Lead Pastor LifeGate Church Jan 2014 - Present 9 years 2 months. Jaime and Laura have been happily married since 2009. Redemption . Tony is a graduate of Mercer University, and he and Sheryll have doctorates from Jacksonville Theological Seminary. The Pastor of the church began to visit and would explain that all men were sinners and that failure to receive Christ as Saviour would mean an eternity in Hell. Childrens Ministry for over 25 years. With Sunday morning and Wednesday night services, Life Gate Church Exists to: Make True Kingdom Impact by providing an atmosphere for: "Transformed Lives" "Real. Connect. Lifegate Church International is a dynamic, spirit filled and multi-cultural Church, called to engage and impact our community, state and nations through prayer and worship while empowering individuals and families with the love of God and His divine Word. } . We are compiled of people from every social, economic, and racial background united to worship God with a contagious passion. Want to get connected? 763 people like this 801 people follow this 39 people checked in here (402) 330-5724 Ext 4 of their focus is on missions outreach. To take the best care of our church, Lifegate's Eldership has provided a clear path to make this as seamless as possible. Each week, we gather as an intergenerational, interethnic community in the heart of Denver. The Ferris have three boys whom they love seeing use their gifts and Under his leadership and that of Lifegates governing eldership, God has led us to become a multi-campus church in order to take Jesus love and offer of life to people where they live. Click to see what we have for our Middle and High School Students! Lifegate Church pastor Les Beauchamp spreads encouragement through God's Word, discusses true meaning of leadership. Less than one year later in response to Gods leading , Lifegate Novi Sad was launched in the Balkan nation of Serbia. To take the best care of our church, Lifegates Eldership has provided a clear path to make this as seamless as possible. Pastor John Cowan. const redirect = document.getElementById("redirect"); We are currently searching for the next senior pastor here at Life Gate! The process was then made public in August of 2020. Subscribe for $1.82 / week . Dwight received his MDiv from Lincoln Christian Seminary, and his DMin from United Theological Seminary/ Global Awakening Theological Seminary [Randy Clark Scholars]. We are a church led by Pastor Nirup Alphonse. JAN 1, 2023; Campus Weekend - Fremont - Robert Wilson Campus Weekend - Fremont - Robert Wilson. Pastor H Mack Ballard. I would . The best people to hang and pursue Jesus with every Sunday from 6-8p! Valerie began to attend Lifegate Bible Baptist Church and after a Gospel service one Sunday night she realised that she was a sinner and that Jesus alone could save her. This March we will complete our succession process for Lifegates Lead Pastor role that began over three years ago. Lifegate is a big time NAR/WOF church (Lord of Hosts being the 2nd biggest NAR/WOF church in Omaha area) they did sermons on the Circle Maker a few yrs back Lifegate even had the charismatic movement and pseudo-discernment writer Lee Grady speak there a while back (Grady is double minded when it comes to heresy in the modern charismatic movement) if (link) redirect.setAttribute("href", link); We have multiple locations to make it easy to find a life-giving church to call home. Our gatherings last about 75 minutes, are filled with great music, and include an inspiring message from the Bible by our pastors. Experience our live-streamed church services with inspiring teaching from Pastor Les Beauchamp and Pastor Micah Eldridge featuring live worship from Lifegate Worship every Sunday. Based out of Denver, Colorado we as a church exist to see people made alive in Christ. Rachel serves as the Business Administrator and Assimilation Director at Life Gate Church. See you there! We believe God has uniquely created each person and when we come together in His church, we make His name famous. Active as a leader in the City Church of the Omaha Metro (, Les has worked diligently for the past 20+ years to see Gods agenda to bring unprecedented hope, compassion and Kingdom diversity come to pass in the surrounding area through a regional church thats better together. Want to get connected? We have a lot of events here at Lifegate!See if there is something that interests you. LEARN MORE Look around. function handleClick(e) { Search. His ministries include Childrens Ministries, Weekly Outreach into the Community, and a Reformers Unanimous Addiction Programme. "I'm really excited about Nirup being on campus for Spiritual Renewal," said Jon Cavanagh, Taylor's campus pastor. Tune in for the weekly podcast of Lifegate Church led by Pastor Brian Gallardo. Tune in as Pastor Jillian brings a powerful message entitled, "The Cycle Ends Today." const input = document.getElementById("pet-select"); 2,587 were here. In 2001, he followed after his father and became the Lead Pastor of Harvest Time Church in . David has been the pastor of Lifegate since 1992 with a growing congregation. We welcome you and your family to our Sunday Service at 10:30 am. A biblical perspective on healthy transition that gives us hope. March 19 - Celebrating Pastor Les . let plural = (selection === "goldfish") ? a die-hard Pittsburgh Steelers, St. Louis Cardinals, and Fighting Illini fan as Pastor Doug Eaker has been the Lead Pastor at Life Gate Church since January 2016. The Lifegate App gives you access to life-changing messages from Lifegate Church in Omaha, Nebraska by Lead Pastor Les Beauchamp and the Lifegate team. Pastor Jim Carver will . His ministries include Children's Ministries, Weekly Outreach into the Community, and a Reformers Unanimous Addiction Programme. All of our campuses feature live worship and share the same weekend . On the fourth night the Pastor left behind some photocopied sheets about Christianity and as David went through them he came to a series of questions on the commandments. Kris and Shireen have been friends from the beginning and while Shireen was investing all her energy into mothering 4 kids, she would look forward to a weekly gathering of young staff moms that Kris hosted at her home.