The CES-D scale was applied for the assessment of depressive symptoms and the LESS instrument for stressful life events. Hepatic function was affected by both sugar products and water melon, which were positively correlated with total bilirubin and AST/SGOT respectively. 2004 Photon Correlation and Scattering Conference, Meyer, William (Editor); Smart, Anthony (Editor); Wegdam, Gerard (Editor); Dogariu, Aristide (Editor); Carpenter, Bradley (Editor). This report serves as the users manual for the upgraded code, which is named TD2-2. Immigration is a demanding and challenging life event that may cause married immigrant women to be likely to adopt unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. For interpretation and discussion, please see the original article entitled, "Designing curriculum to shape professional social media skills and identity in virtual communities of practice" (J. Novakovich, S. Miah, S. Shaw, 2017) [1]. A range of parameters suitable for the satisfactory description of key magnetic properties is determined. In the present article, we propose clustering coefficients tailored to correlation matrices. Anxiety combined with nervousness and apprehension consist a focal response to different life conditions. Temperature, humidity, and precipitation summaries include data from SRL's standard meteorological instrument shelter and the Augusta National Weather Service office at Bush Field through 1986. These results highlight the need for burn care professionals to have a sound understanding of basic statistics, which is crucial in interpreting and reporting data. Mean informational support, assessed with a modified version of the CCFNI (Molter and Leske, 1983), was 55.41(SD=13.28; theoretical range of 20-80). A correlational study can also establish whether this relationship has a positive or negative direction. Results Half of the participants in the final study sample (N=25) fully completed a stepwise process of building on their baseline PRO assessment to develop an initial care plan for their child. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithms can provide better performance than the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of the computational complexity. Sec. The resulting normalized autocorrelations are independent of the illumination of the matched input. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional research design utilising the quantitative approach. 2020 Jan/Feb;34(1):8-12. doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000493. Correlation of AATCC Test Method 150 To AATCC Test Method 61 For Use With Laundering Durability Studies of Retroreflective Items As Defined in Purchase Description CO/PD-06-05A, Accelerated Laundering 3.1 Methodology The goal of Task II was to fully explore accelerated laundering test methods as a replacement for home launderingTEST METHOD 150 TO AATCC TEST METHOD 61 FOR USE WITH LAUNDERING DURABILITY STUDIES OF RETROREFLECTIVE ITEMS AS DEFINED IN PURCHASE DESCRIPTION CO/PDFinal 3. Sokratis, Sokratous; Christos, ilides; Despo, Panagi; Maria, Karanikola, Depressive symptoms in the young constitute a public health issue. There were statistically significant differences in clinically significant depressive symptoms by gender, with higher rates among women (x(2) = 8.53, df = 1, p = 0.003). Research designs and making causal inferences from health care studies. In response to the rise in popularity of concepts of "design" in education research, pedagogy, and curriculum design, in this article we consider how the New London Group conceived of the role of student design practices as an outcome of pedagogy, as well as the parallel role of design in teaching practices. A recent model of seismicity that incorporates a self-similar Omori-Utsu relation, which is used to describe the temporal evolution of earthquake triggering, has been shown to provide a more accurate description of seismicity in Southern California when compared to epidemic type aftershock sequence models. Topics investigated included: (1) basic descriptions of institutions housing noncommercial radio stations; (2) operating. Artwork Interactive Design System (AIDS) program description. We examine consequences of these differences for excess-entropy based scalings of shear viscosity, and we discuss how use of the multicomponent treatment reveals similarities between the corresponding dynamic scaling behaviors of attractive colloids and liquid water that the effective one-component analysis does not capture. Caregivers of children and adolescents with psychiatric morbidity suffer high levels of caregiver burden. The aim of this analysis was to review randomly selected research articles published in four scientific nursing journals for the years 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010 to identify changes in selected aspects of research and to compare the findings with those from an earlier similar study. Pattern recognition may supplement or replace certain navigational aids on spacecraft in docking or landing activities. We are using a quasi-2D Fermi liquid model to estimate the fundamental parameters of these very interesting materials. Nursing students completed questionnaires anonymously. Here we develop a general framework for identifying the free theory that is closest to a given interacting model in terms of their ground-state correlations. Because of the field`s relatively small reserves (mean 118 mmbbls), the performance of each of the 10 or so horizontal wells is highly important. The overall design goal of RELAP-7 is to take advantage of the previous thirty years of advancements in computer architecture, software design, numerical integration methods, and physical models. Preparing Tomorrow's Administrators: A Quantitative Correlation Study of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership Practices, Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative correlation study was to identify whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership practices, specifically with school administrators in Southern California K-12 public schools. These characteristics were first, ensuring an official invitation had been extended and the need for assistance had been identified. We show that real-world networks exhibit indeed nontrivial multiplex correlations. As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision: Descriptive Literature (APR 2002) (a) Descriptive literature, as used in this provision, means information 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. Computer-based evaluation of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment patients during a picture description task. Modifications made to the axial-flow compressor conceptual design code CSPAN are documented in this report. Twenty-nine chronic LBP outpatients that have visited the Neurology Clinic of Adam Malik General Hospital Medan. We provide two complex examples to illustrate the method, one for a study of 23 family clusters with cardiomyopathy, the other where the malaria attack rates vary within households and clusters of households in a Malian village. Future studies are needed to develop educational interventions for parents to improve their knowledge and attitudes, which will eventually improve their use of pain relief strategies for their children. Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace vehicle Design (IPAD). Final versions for the register level designs for all module types were completed. This last equation allows for the description of the correlational energy evolution and shows the global conservation of energy with dynamical polarization. TV synchronized addressing of 3 RAMs permits on-line storage of: (1) the maximum unnormalized amplitude, (2) the image x location, and (3) the image y location of the output of each of up to 99 matched filters. Lesion analysis showed that the maximum density of the patients' lesions-obtained by subtracting the overlap of lesions of spared patients from the overlap of lesions of impaired patients-overlaps with the precentral gyrus, rolandic operculum/insula, superior/middle temporal gyrus/hippocampus and, at subcortical level, with part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus, external capsule, retrolenticular part of the internal capsule and sagittal stratum (inferior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus). The purposes of this study were to describe patterns of bottle feeding opportunities in preterm infants and to analyze the relationships between feeding opportunities and outcomes. The findings suggest that customized programs be developed and used to enhance parenting efficacy for Asian immigrant, first-time mothers. Wonder, Amy Hagedorn; York, Jacki; Jackson, Kathryn L; Sluys, Teresa D. The aim of this study was to examine the loss of Magnet designation and how RNs' work engagement changed at 1 community hospital. Further attributes to each descriptor, e.g. Study 2 showed that the absence of preliminary descriptive information did not affect the automation reliance levels obtained after experience. Establishment of stable link between hardware and software, as a purpose of designed and realized work, is presented. We cross-tabulated the clinical areas with research designs (expressed as number and percentages). Thermal Design Description. A deeper understanding of how electron correlation works could have a large impact in several research fields, such as biochemistry and biology, and trigger important developments in the design and optimization of electronic, Enhanced capabilities and modified users manual for axial-flow compressor conceptual design code CSPAN. Twenty year projected energy costs and, The Lifestyle Behaviours and Exercise Beliefs of Undergraduate Student Nurses: A Descriptive Study, Purpose: Only limited published research is available exploring the lifestyle practices of student nurses. Intervention(s): The dimensions of 10 model rectangles and the 28 participants' feet were measured, and DPMM foot posture was measured in the 111 participants. Descriptive and experimental analyses of variables maintaining self-injurious behavior.. PubMed Central. Oceanogr. Study 2 obtained paper-and-pen written descriptions, whereas participants completed descriptions in electronic format in Studies 3 and 4. An automated assessment of a picture description task could assist clinicians in the detection of early signs of cognitive impairment and AD. This shift originates from an increasing correlation energy at larger adsorption distances, which can be traced back to the Co 3 dx y and 3 dz2 orbitals being more correlated as the adsorption distance is increased. The modeling of these structures becomes complex due to the material nonlinearities inherent to the majority of construction materials used in inflatable structures. For describing quantitative variables, measures of location and spread, for example the standard deviation, are presented along with graphical presentations. In this paper, we aim at designing unimodular waveform sets with good correlation and stopband properties. In addition, the proposed joint spatial encodings increase the space bandwidth product of the spatial light modulators of the optical system. We provide an algorithm to compute expectation values of arbitrary products of the dipole lightlike Wilson line correlators.less. 05) than individuals who self-identified other countries of origin. A detailed account is provided regarding the tests performed on the adapted components for the new programme. While perceived lack of information received was associated with not feeling in control (rs =.41) and helplessness (rs =.41). Five research questions were formulated to frame the direction of this study, including: (1) How did healthcare leaders learn of innovations in design? Endwall blockage and stall margin predictions were added. NASA-Lewis is responsible for the development, fabrication, and assembly of the electric power system (EPS) for the Space Station Freedom (SSF). The proposed descriptors are intended to be independent of any specific numerical representation. Written patient information materials can be valuable communication tools for teaching and reinforcing the verbal message, especially in the present climate of today's health service where patients are in hospital for such short times. Colorafi, Karen Jiggins; Evans, Bronwynne. We show that the clustering coefficients decline with the age. The response of the inflatable system to possible damage was also studied using nonlinear finite element simulations. 1-3 Section 1-3 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF reports. Most articles reported human research and were in the musculoskeletal, neurologic, and cardiothoracic areas. However, in order to analyze large-scale SFQ digital systems, such as a microprocessor, more higher-level circuit abstraction is necessary to reduce the circuit simulation time. Thus, MD-CTE can be a useful noninvasive test in the early evaluation of symptomatic patients. Numerical models are increasingly the focus of modern engineering as helpful tools for tailoring and optimization of custom-designed microstructures by suitable processing and alloy design. The design of the scanner, with minimum modifications, interfaces to the ERTS spacecraft and the ground data handling system. This provides a precise representation of "horizontal" and "vertical" comparisons, respectively, which to date have appeared without formal description in the literature. We expand here upon our previous study and present further details and novel results on the saturation scale and transverse momentum (p ) dependence of multiparticle azimuthal correlations. Also we made input data to ship's geometrical character which has strong correlation with output data. Studies published in 2005-2010 were compared as a cohort against studies published in 2011-2014, in terms of general characteristics and reporting quality. Linear analysis shows that the control law meets the stability margin guidelines and is robust to stability and control parameter changes. This framework, also applicable for cyclostationary and multivariate modelling, is augmented with flexible parametric correlation structures that parsimoniously describe observed correlations. Findings add to the previous research on prioritized approaches and evidence-based practice in ostomy care. Ecological correlational studies look for associations between exposures and outcomes in populations-eg, per capita cigarette sales and rates of coronary artery disease-rather than in individuals. In addition, younger speakers' descriptions to the familiar partner exhibited a higher proportion of lexical overlap with previous descriptions than did descriptions to an unfamiliar partner. Correlational research is widely used and this paper should be particularly useful for novice nurse researchers. The description provides both regional and local scale climatology. Haiduke, Roberto Luiz A.; Bartlett, Rodney J. So that there will be no SEPAC flight software detailed design specifications, volume 1. For diverse reasons we shall see that random matrices play an important role to describe a null hypothesis or a minimum information hypothesis for the description of a quantum system or subsystem. Hence, designs have been suggested that allow a re-assessment of the sample size in an ongoing trial. The 5th and 95th percentile values of a dataset of global anthropometric data are shown to be asymmetrically distributed. Distance from the home to nearby overhead transmission lines was ascertained on the basis of the electric power companies geographic information system (GIS) databases, additional Google Earth aerial evaluation and site visits to selected residences. Both situations are unfavourable as the first one decreases the power and the latter one leads to a waste of resources. Spending growth was weakly positively correlated across HRRs. A description of the physics 3204 course in Newfoundland and Labrador is provided. The design and experimental performance of an implementation of the direct time correlator utilizing two analog CCDs and MOS multipliers on a single IC were evaluated. Ethical Design of Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: A Descriptive Review. I - Instrument, Management Approaches to Stomal and Peristomal Complications: A Narrative, Invited Paper - Density functional theory: coverage of dynamic and non-dynamic electron, Patients' perception of noise in the operating room--a, NASA Langley Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Instrument, DNA-based nanobiostructured devices: The role of quasiperiodicity and, Effects of a Training Package to Improve the Accuracy of. The regional climatology includes a general regional climatic description and presents information on occurrence frequencies of the severe meteorological phenomena that are important considerations in the design and siting of a facility. We trained two learners to distinguish HCs from cognitively impaired individuals. Using experience rather than description to give users information about future performance in DSSLT can help increase automation reliance levels. The study of oscillatory wake is important to know the existence of silence zones in space and astrophysical objects as well as for crystal formation. Particular attention is given to the degree to which different designs meet the five criteria for making causal inferences. Conclusions The high frequency of occurrence of depressive symptoms among Cypriot, ATLAS, an integrated structural analysis and design system. It is worth to examine the job satisfaction of nurses and its correlates in such a specific hospital context in Hong Kong, by which the findings can be compared with those in public hospitals, and across countries. Furthermore, there was no significant three-way interaction among student gender, alcohol use, and descriptive norm perception. Metabolite profiling of soy sauce using gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and analysis of correlation with quantitative descriptive analysis. In addition, the PDD allocates design related assumptions to work products of non-design organizations. Spurious correlation results from the response DG being calculated using several independent variables that are also used to calculate predictor DGs in the DA model.less. Composite materials, while more expensive to purchase and manufacture, result in decreased costs later through weight savings and ease of replacement. We used a parametric paradigm in which the amplitude of the N170 was modulated by varying the level of noise in a picture, and identified regions where the percent signal change in fMRI correlated with the ERP data. An approximate description of nuclei can be achieved by separating its short and long range structure. For those who had received treatment specifically for TTM, parent ratings indicated that few (17%) children and adolescents were either very much improved or much improved after intervention. The CONSORT and Jadad scales were used to assess the quality of design/reporting. Over the past year, two Rogue GPS prototype receivers have been assembled and successfully subjected to a variety of laboratory and field tests. 32: 240264. Results showed that, for 71% of participants, the descriptive and functional analyses matched. Leidman, Mary Beth; Lamberski, Richard J. We collected data from 171 household heads or their representatives, selected through a multistage sampling technique. The description of the ATLAS program library includes all information needed to use these general purpose routines. Age was significantly positively correlated with self-report of packs smoked per day (r = 0.52; p = 0.04) and years smoked (r = 0.63; p = 0.02). Each description contains the following information: purpose, course objectives, outline of course content, list of optional topics, recommended types of evaluation, prerequisites, areas of interest, and curriculum sequence (grade level at which it should be, 78 FR 14649 - Amendment of Class B Airspace Description; Tampa, FL. This report documents the conceptual design review of the sludge offload system for the Spent Nuclear Fuel Project. In the proposed description it is supposed that the construction of an internal representation is a probabilistic process. Hardware description languages are valuable tools in such applications as hardware design, system documentation, and logic design training. Life satisfaction and its correlates in older women with osteoarthritis. In this article, we distinguish two qualitative research approaches widely used for descriptive studies: descriptive phenomenological and qualitative description. Interview data were content coded to the interview guide and reviewed by multiple research staff to estimate feasibility according to stepwise completion rates, perceptions of difficulty in step completion, and perceptions of overall utility. derived by regression analysis of measured and modeled grain-size data, or by determining the abscissa values of intersections between auxiliary lines running parallel to the x-axis and vertical lines corresponding to the descriptive percentile limits along the ordinate of representative bivariate plots. Percentages of properly addressed items were 46% in 1990, 56% in 1995, 54% in 2000, 59% in 2005 and 70% in 2010. To achieve this aim, the scheme has so far been scaled up to several communities nationwide as part of government's agenda to improve the general wellbeing of the populace. We also discuss the design of trials where is known before or during randomization of patients and evaluate randomization schemes based on such knowledge. If private markets are to work better to reduce cost, stronger efforts are needed to reduce provider market concentration and promote competitive pricing for healthcare services. A judicious choice of the approximate quantum chemistry method depends upon the importance of dynamic and nondynamic correlation, which is usually assesed by scalar measures. The STS extravehicular mobility unit, orbiter EVA provisions, EVA equipment, factors affecting employment of EVA, EVA mission integration, baselined extravehicular activity are discussed. (2013, Technometrics). Data were collected via Web-based technology and by telephone. Although the concentrations of the aroma compounds varied depending on the cultivars, in general, ethyl butanoate, mesifurane, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl 3-methylbutanoate, hexyl acetate, and gamma-dodecalactone had the highest OAVs. Parameters and designs for heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and lighting are given. A convenience sample of 113 renal transplant recipients was recruited from a medical center in Southern Taiwan. These four temperament suites have been designated: (1) Curious/Energetic, (2) Cautious/Social Norm Compliant, (3) Analytical/Tough-minded, and (4) Prosocial/Empathetic temperament dimensions. Determination of this operating curve is critical for reduction of input noise. There was a clear positive relationship between RIME category and clinical evaluation score (r(2)=0.40, p<0.01). Both respondents' sex and the perceived sex of the design professional had significant effects on the perceived sexual orientation of the design professionals. Literature that presents a complete program planning model was described and analyzed using explicitly defined and uniformly applied descriptive and evaluative dimensions. Descriptive correlational design is used in research studies that aim to provide static pictures of situations as well as establish the relationship between different variables (McBurney & White, 2009). An 8 MW wind turbine is described in terms of mass distribution, dimensions, power curve, thrust curve, maximum design load and tower configuration. The Langley turbo-prop commuter design: A complete project description, Buttram, Greg; Horton, Keith; Keeter, Tim; Millhouse, Paul; Newberry, Kelli; Obyrne, Brian. Description of the KEEP Reading Curriculum, 1975-76. Using a stratified multistage cluster sampling process, we gathered baseline data for a longitudinal survey of village doctors, village clinics from Changshu County, Liyang County, Yongchuan District, Mianzhu County, and Jingning County in China in 2011. The verified FEM can be used for loads analysis, evaluate structural modifications, or design control systems. Such systems are therefore naturally described in terms of multiplex or multilayer networks, i.e., networks where each layer stands for a different type of interaction between the same set of nodes. A behavioral-level HDL description of SFQ logic circuits for quantitative performance analysis of large-scale SFQ digital systems. The present study sought to investigate the illusory correlation phenomenon by experimentally manipulating the availability of information through the use of the "lag" effect (Madigan, 1969). Study data suggest that 16 domains of physical design decisions influence safety, efficiency, or both. Thermal Environments. Among the specifications were short to medium range capabilities, low seat per mile cost, fuel efficiency, and passenger comfort. The World Wide Web was searched from a UK-based computer using the Google search engine combined with the term 'orthodontic braces'. All studies were evaluated for the presence of multiple imaging features. Andrew IRD has highlighted several important risks to well performance, including the influence of more heterolithic intervals on gas breakthrough and the controls on water coning exerted by suppressed water relative permeability in the transition zone.less. Unlike instrumental data, DESCINFO generated by subject experts is biased by the scientific and cultural background of the observers and their choices of classification schemes. Three of these variants are associated with appendicular tremors, which were an isolated or presenting sign in some of the affected subjects. These phenomena include tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and ice/snow storms. How we would go about making a "person-like" robot. 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Description. Systems that learn from their past actions, and systems that organize information for interpretation by human experts, are more likely to be successful in areas where expert systems have failed. Two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have suggested that the FTI can measure the influence of these neural systems. Correlational Research is a type of research that investigates the relationships between variables. The majority of caregivers reported moderate to severe caregiver burden; (n = 100, 39.7%). Trinary signed-digit (TSD) symbolic-substitution-based (SS-based) optical adders, which were recently proposed, are used as the basic modules for designing highly parallel optical multiplications by use of cascaded optical correlators. It is a study that observes the possible relationship between naturally. Water immersion facility general description, spacecraft design division, crew station branch. PMID:19607668, Software Design Description for the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), Version 2.2, scalars. Thermal Analysis Results Summary. Bronstein, L.; Kawamoto, Y.; Ribarich, J. J.; Scope, J. R.; Forman, B. J.; Bergman, S. G.; Reisenfeld, S. A detailed technical description of the 30/20 GHz flight experiment system is presented. Nine per cent of websites demonstrated full compliance with current guidelines on ethical advertising. Beebe, Lora Humphrey; Parker, Carla Renee. Children's postoperative pain is inadequately managed worldwide. Qualitative description the poor cousin of health research? We designed and recently implemented this program for first-year medical students. The 23 products selected in the Panel Review of Products (PROP) in 1972-1973 and the dissemination recommendations made are discussed, and product descriptions are provided. By independently naming the descriptions composed of sets of observational features, as well as maintaining connections to scientific names, it preserves the observational data used to identify organisms. Results also yielded a significant effect of lag for mean ratings between 0 and 2 lags; however, there was no reliable increase in judged co-occurrence at lags 8 and 20. This was consistent with the structure of the design space. A descriptive correlational design is a quantitative research design. And both studies replicated and extended the findings of Peabody and Goldberg; virtually orthogonal factors of relatively equal size were found in the homogeneous samples, and a more highly correlated set of factors with relatively large Agreeableness and Conscientiousness dimensions was found in the heterogeneous samples. New distinctions among three domains of concern for humans--description, action, and commitment--have revealed that the design process for programmable machines, such as expert systems, is based on descriptions of actions and induces blindness to nonanalytic action and commitment.